Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Low point, very low point.

17 mins of hills in Botanic Gardens

Woke up in an extremely foul mood this morning after the Ashes debacle concluded during the night and it was honestly the first time in over a year of training with the Pat Carrollers that I didn't want to go to speedwork.....and I love speedwork. I'm the World's poorest loser and that's never going to change. A triple scotch was a far more appetising prospect than training this morning. If not for my new strict rule of no drinking on Monday and Wednesday's, I most likely would have got hammered last night. My foul mood was heightened by my back being a little sore from sleeping in a funny position and my shins continuing to give me mild grief.

So, grumpy Matty turned up late to speedwork and reluctantly went through his paces. Whilst the rest of the squad did their workout on a route in the Gardens that traversed grass, I did a solo workout near the squad, but staying on the pavers. I worked the hills strongly and completed an honest session. Wrapped up the session with a solid tempo warm down with Pat. The A-Team was absolutely decimated this morning, with Jodie joining Aaron and Peter on the injured list, Davo still recovery from his accident, Jonesy out of town and Glenda, Phil and Peter J no shows. Langy and Slash were also absent, no doubt recovering from a bender after last night's debacle. Possibly, they don't share my no drinking policy for Monday nights. In the absence of the aforementioned and with yours truly running solo, Scotty B was a runaway leader up front this morning.


Tesso said...

Hey grumble-bum, hope the hard workout made you feel a little bit happier :-)

Chelle said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, Ashes you say :p

Whats the story with Davo??