Friday, September 23, 2005

Here we go again - Comeback # 7

Friday Run - 30 mins, 6k's at 4:57 mins/km

It was with some tentativeness, that I headed out for my run alongside the Kedron Brook this morning. The left shin was making its presence felt every now and then prior to the run. I began with a 1km walking warmup and then did an easy 30 mins, breathing a little harder than normal. The left shin was a little dodgy for the first three k's but the right shin felt satisfactory throughout. Checked my logbook and noted that this is my seventh comeback since December of last year where I have returned to running after taking at least a week off to rest my shins. Just don't call me the Comeback King!

Got home from my run and hopped into the pool to cool down the legs and read the second issue of Run For Your Life magazine. This edition marks my publishing debut after I contacted the publisher, Daniel Green a few months ago and offered to write Qld Race Reports. My race reports of the Redcliffe Jetty to Jetty, Ipswich Park to Park and Bridge to Brisbane appear in this edition. Most of you will know that I have long term ambitions to write a novel some day, so this is a good opportunity to practice my writing a few times a month and give something back to the sport of running. I must say that writing a race report is harder than it looks. For example, I could have easily written 1000 words about the Bridge to Brisbane but had to submit a report no longer than 380 words, so I have to be careful not to get carried away and wax lyrical about Susie Power's running style when I should be concentrating on providing succinct and detailed reports. Most race reports, particularly from our competitors, Runner's World are quite bland, so I try to make my reports as informative as possible, providing info on how the race was run along with some splits where possible and throw in some running lingo as well, preferably a quotable quote from the winner. I then add a snippet about the winner such as what kind of lead up they had to the race and what race they are running next. If anyone reads the mag and has an opinion on my work, don't hesitate to get in touch with me with feedback, be it some advice or constructive criticism.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Read R4YL yesterday - thought the QLD race reports were excellent, well done.. looking fwd to reading the novel one day!