Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The joy of pacing

Pat Carroll Running Group 3K Time Trial - September - 11:51

I had a minor cold yesterday which ensured that I did not try to do anything reckless and push my flu weakened body beyond its limits at this morning's 3K TT. So, I put on my Pacer's cap and looked for someone around the 4:00 min/km mark who was shooting for a PB. Tesso was running Marathon pace before her Sydney Marathon this Sunday so I ended up offering to pace Jan. Sitting on a PB of 11:57, Jan was planning a red hot go at breaking it this morning.

After discussing split times with Jan, we set off in beaut Spring early morning weather. It was pretty hard for me to slow down enough without going too slow and I ended up dragging Jan along a little too fast with a 3:42 first k, but I omitted to mention this to Jan and fortunately, she did not look at her watch! Instead, I just told her we were right on pace and proceeded to ease of the gas a little for a steady, but strong second k in 4:08. Coming home for the last k, I became more vocal telling Jan to embrace the pain for the next few minutes so she could have a smile on her face all day after her PB. I got louder in the finishing stretch, telling Jan we had to sprint to make it and Jan responded strongly to knock six seconds of her PB and clock 11:51! As always, its great for a pacer to see the reaction of someone who has put in a big run with the face going through a range of emotions from disbelief to exultation to a content smile and Jan had just that this morning!

For me, I was pleased to maintain my high strike rate as a successful pacer. I have paced MJ, Chelle, Clairie and now Jan to 3KTT PB's whilst four out of my group of seven ran under goal times at the Gold Coast Half Marathon. That's a strike rate of 8/11 and I might have to start charging for my pacing services :) I like to think that its my good pace judgement and varied range of motivational quotes that gets people home but Clairie would tell you that my success is moreso due to people running hard so they "can get this loud mouthed nut out of their ear as soon as possible"! Either way, it was a lot of fun this morning and the legs and lungs pulled up well.

1 comment:

Tesso said...

Jan won't just have that smile on her face all day, I reckon it will last all month!

Fantastic pacing job this morning Matty. But I don't think it was just Jan you helped, there were a few of the gang with their eye on you who also ran great times.

Good on ya mate!