Tuesday, October 25, 2005

500's at Speedwork

9 x 500's - avg 1:59 reps with 30 sec Standing Recoveries

After two races in 36 hours over the weekend, I still had a little delayed onset muscle soreness present when at training this morning - partially because I took short cuts with my stretching after both races for which I've given myself an uppercut. As a result, I ran the session this AM at no faster than 3:50 min/km pace for the first few reps before easing up. There is a little more shin discomfort than normal tonight but no major dramas.

Spent some time talking with Andy this AM at training - he is back from Reserves duty with the RAN in the Middle East and is a regular treadmill user when at sea. Like Bruno two weeks ago, he gave running on a treadmill the thumbs up for my shins. Over the next fortnight, I will seriously consider becoming at least a part time treadmill runner - perhaps a full time one for three to six months....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope the treadmill idea works out for you....and your shin!