Thursday, April 13, 2006

Rapid Recovery

Recovery Run - 6k's @ 5:15 mins/km

After three days of intermittent pangs of discomfort in the shins during my flu, I took my 9o% recovered body to Fitness First this afternoon. Despite starting a fill-in overtime work shift at 5am and being absolutely starved, I cruised through a very easy run comprising of six 1k reps at an easy 5:15 pace with two minute walking recoveries with absolutely no shin discomfort of note. It was an enormous relief to run without a problem and confirm that yes, the flu was solelyt the cause the cause of the recent discomfort.

I'm pretty pleased with the way I've recovered from this flu, ticking of all the usual boxes - extra water, extra vitamins, sensible eating, extra sleep etc. Thanks to the aforementioned I'm back in business having only missed the last five k's of Saturday's run and Tuesday's run. You beauty!!

Have been thinking hard about the hygiene standards at SportsCentre, talking to people, listening to feedback (thanks Chelle!!) and discussing the subject at length. I will report back shortly on my new direction!!

Km's this week - 6
Km's this month - 55
Km's this year - 277

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