Monday, January 16, 2006

Season in purgatory continues

I still have not shaken this low grade virus that whilst not restricting my work and social interaction, continues to leave my body unable to support my shins to the extent that I would like, hence I will not risk running again before Thursday. That would take my total to twelve days off running - purgatory indeed!!

So I took solace in a big night with the boys at the Bullets on Saturday night before backing up for another big one at the Gabba for the one dayer. In hindsight, using alcohol a weapon against the virus probably was not the most disciplined way combat it, but what the hell!!! I'm months away from my next serious race attempt so losing a day or two isn't the end of the world.


Tesso said...

Gosh Matty, I can't believe that virus is hanging in there like that. I got the name of that naturopath for you ... but promptly forgot it. Will find out again.

Alcohol may not destroy the bug, but gees, if it makes you feel better, why not have the odd beer ... like on this Friday night :-)

Clairie said...

Matty what are you doing to yourself? You have to start behaving and having some early nights and alcohol free nights if you ever really want to shake that bug.

No-one I know keeps low-grade virus's for that long.

I thought getting back into speed was what you really wanted....but obviously you don't want it that badly....