Saturday, January 21, 2006

Fifteen days without a run

After fifteen days without a run, I'm close to my longest break since I made my comeback in January of 2004. The good news is that I'm almost completely rid of this low grade virus and I felt strong in the gym yesterday when doing core strengthening and stability. I am now targetting Tuesday for my comeback as the shins have felt much better in the last 24 hours as the virus dissipated.

Issue #4 of Run For Your Life has just come out and I was pleased to see that my writing turned out well. Of the 4500 words I contributed, only one paragraph was edited and the editor left out a word when submitting a replacement sentence in that paragraph - the first para of my PCRG article - ouch!! Still, all went well and Pat got a good cover shot. Not so great was me running on the edge of the front cover doing my worst impersonation of a goldfish but that's running - not all photos will be pretty!! Most of the Group managed to get their mugs into the action photos contained within and that was pretty satisfying - thanks to all those who contacted me about the PCRG article with their congrats and thank yous.

Had a good time last night with about 12 Pat Carrollers at the Ship Inn last night for drinks and dinner. This was the first of eight social events I'll be organising for the Group this year - hopefully with plenty of assistance from my team mates later on(hint hint hint). Hopefully, with more notice and word of mouth, we will grow these gatherings into "can't miss" events by the end of the year! Also of interest, everyone present learned last night that we do not get Jodie and Clairie started on the topic of 'killer sperm'!!!

1 comment:

Tesso said...

Good luck on the comeback run on Tuesday Matty.

Once again congrats for the great article. So if that was your worst impersonation of a goldfish you will have to show us your best one :-)

Once the rest of the group find out what they missed last night at the PCRG drinks there's no way they won't show up next time.