Friday, January 13, 2006

Still no running!!

My rough start to the year continues. Whilst my shin soreness has just about gone away, I still haven't been able to shake this low grade virus that has plagued me for a week now and won't resuming running until I'm healthy again.

On the positive side the core strengthening program is going well with two solid sessions under my belt and morale when hitting the gym is high. I find that walking into the gym, starting my stopwatch and saying 'I've got 30 or 60 minutes to make the most of this time, then I'm leaving' works well for me.

As well as the core strengthening, i'm toying with the idea of consulting a naturopath. Among other things, it is claimed that taking vegetal silica is good for the shins, so what have I got to lose.....apart from more cash. Does anyone know a good naturopath?? (not dietician)

If you thought that the mental picture of Matty walking into a naturopath's clinic was a sign that things thing are getting desperate, then how about this:

I read in Tim Noakes Lore of Running that "there is some evidence that taking oral contraceptives reduces the occurrence of tibial stress fractures." Excitedly, i texted these findings to fellow shin spints sufferer, Jodie. Her classic response: "remember to start in the shaded section, buddy :)"

Yes, these are most certainly desperate times.....


Tesso said...

LOL Matty!!!

I do know of a good naturopath, but don't know her name. She helps a friend of mine who, from time to time, has a mystery chronic vomiting illness (no, not Chundachick). For years doctors and specialists have been baffled and unable to help. I'll find out who she is.

Superflake said...

No naturopaths down here. Does this mean if I take a panadol my tibial stress fractures will disappear. You beauty! Good luck with getting back on the horse.

Shane said...

It doesn't suprise what those pills can do.

A mate of mine undertook a combat survival course, a group of them including a female were left in the bush to fend for themselves. Unable to find much sustenance they ended up resorting to eating a whole months worth of the pill. He said that the shaded section is definently the tastiest.

I have also been told that since that day there has been no obvious growth spurts in abnormal places for him. :)

That is good news about the shins, fingers crossed that you can soon resume some training, sorry can't help with the naturopath.