Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tuesday - 'Skins' socks - a positive start

7k's @ 5:00 mins/km

Hit the gym this evening in the midst of the the evening crowd and strolled confidently through the crowd wearing my brand new black knee high Skins socks. I'm a runner damnit!!! And we runners are supposed to look different from the meatheads pumping iron and the obese shedding kilos!! I did notice with perverse amusement that the socks did indeed attract several double takes and lingering glances!

Anyway, despite forgetting to bring tape for my ankles, I had a great run and it was very noticeable that the Skins held the calf muscles nice and snuggly in place - whether this assists my shins splints in the long term remains to be seen, but it seems to work for Eloise Wellings, so fingers crossed.

Pulled up well and its now been three weeks since the shins really bothered me. All going well, I'll be doing over 50k's by May and pushing the speed up a little bit.

Life's good!!

1 comment:

Clairie said...

Matty you are a laugh!!

We may be runners.....but I'm drawing the line at wearing those things.

I am sure everyone was looking hard thinking 'damn fools cut his skins off at the top so he can get in them...:) '