Thursday, November 03, 2005

God, I love cricket.....

Today was my last run free day, before I hit the treadmills tomorrow with a Fitness First "Starter Pack" giving me two weeks membership for $29. We'll see how things go from there.

Today was also the day I renewed my intimate friendship with Mr XXXX after a 31 day stint on the wagon. Shortly after 10am and shortly before Matty Hayden took strike for the first ball of the Australian cricket summer, I enjoyed a long awaited sip of that tasty amber fluid. "Aaaah - life is indeed good." You'll treasure that first sip of red when you hop off the wagon also, Clairie ;-)

I enjoyed a great day at the cricket with Adam and later joined my old mates Dan, Jimmy and .05 at another section of the ground and things got decidedly rowdier when I joined them!! All in all, it was a day at the cricket, the way it is supposed to be enjoyed.

I then sobered up enough by in time for Langy to pick MJ and I up before we went out to the University of Qld for the Simon Doyle 1500m Classic on the track. I'll be filing a race report for R4YL mag on the event, so I was busy clocking splits and interviewing the respective race winners, Youcef Abdi and Emma Rilan. I arranged for Langy and my photographers, Tesso and Clairie, to join me inside the track for the proceedings. We and our team mates in the grandstand all enjoyed the opportunity to witness the elites up close and gees, they were flying tonight. It was a jolting reminder that I'm a long way off ever doing a sub 4:15 1500, let alone a sub 4!! I'll stick to having a crack at a low 15mins for the 5k, thanks!!

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