Tuesday, October 10, 2006

7.5k niggle free....

50mins - 10k's @ 4:52 mins/km

As planned, I skipped speedwork for a run along the Kedron Brook this morning. I got to 7.5k's before the left knee niggle started up again, but it wasn't as bad as Sunday and came and went at various times over the last 2.5k.

Will get it looked at if there is no further improvement overnight.


Chelle said...

must be something in the air for knees at the moment!

Clairie said...

Matty I have come to the conclusion that either you are:

a) paranoid - we all get little niggles and colds and they are something we can generally run through or use to reduce the milage/intensity a bit.

b) biomechanically not a runner - no-one I know has ever had the recurring level of injury or niggles that you have. I can only recommend a FULL BODY ANALYSIS if there is such a thing, to get your gait, form, strength, endurance, diet, sleep, general health etc all checked out and measured so you know what your baseline is for all of this.

Of course all of this is said out of the deepest concern for you.
I believe you have enourmous ability as a runner, but your training needs more consistency and/or to not be broken up by bouts of illness or injury.

Matty what are we going to do with you??????????????????????????????