Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sunday - The sleep dilemna & Farewell 2007

10 mins, 2k's @ 5:25 mins/km

Saw a sensational Bullets games against our hated rival, the Sydney Kings on Saturday night with the fabulous Bullets coming from behind entrenching us on top of the ladder. Felt like a cold was coming on so only had one beer.

RooBoy and I then came home from the game and together with MJ, the three of us got carried away with an an inspiring brainstorming session about investment property in my kitchen that didn't end till 11pm! I went to bed disappointed with my lack of discipline that would see my do my Sunday run on a bare minimum of 6 hours sleep.

Unfortunately, I ended up having a bad night's sleep, barely getting four and a half hours. I woke at 5am in a state of utter exhaustion and it didn't take me long to decide to go back to sleep for two hours and text Langy to bail out of the Mt Cootha run we had planned with some others. Two abusive SMS responses from Langy designed to fire me up failed to have their designed impact and I was comfortable with my decision to go back to sleep. I've always erred on the side of trying to get a full night's sleep and delaying my run rather than risk going for a run and trying to catch up with sleep later and that's what I did on Sunday.

The dilemna turned out to be all academic anyway as when I went out for my run at 8am, I ran a truly horrible two k's in 10:50 and felt simply awful - there was no doubt that a cold had me well and truly in its grasp. The shins were a little achey as is usual when I get a cold and I quit on the spot and walked the two k's back to my car.

Not quite the inspirational run I would have liked to end the year with, but nevertheless its been a great year of consolidation for my running and I believe I've well and truly laid the foundations for future success - bring on 2007!!!

A big thanks to all those who have supported me this year and shared their wit and wisdom!!


1 comment:

Clairie said...

Happy New Year Matty and I hope the remains of the cold depart very soon.

I noticed you were taking it easy at Pats so obviously you are being cautious - which is good.

So are you going to name the goal for this year? Is 2007 finally the year for Matty to go in the top 100?????