Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Easy hitout at Speedwork

6 x 1min, 1 x 3min, 45 sec Standing Recovery

With my legs still stiff and sore from Sunday's hard 5k run, I didn't get out of third gear this morning. A year ago, I might have pushed myself to the brink with a hard session, but I'm a smarter runner now and my focus this week is all directed at having a strong session on Thursday. I believe that following a hard race on a Sunday, its better to have an easy session on the Tuesday, continue to recover and then have a high quality session on the Thursday. The alternative of pushing it too hard on Tuesday could result in a Thursday session lacking in quality work, if I have not recovered by then.

The Group was light on numbers this morning, with many Noosa participants resting their weary legs and our new champion, Jodie taking it easy with a jogging recovery session. Aaron recovered far better from his sub 82 half than I did from a mere 5k run. I'll be looking forward to doing likewise when I get my mileage up. Strong session from Langy today, in the thick of the action with the A-Team as his comeback gathers momentum.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

I wanted to be there, would you believe it my garage door jammed and I couldnt get out!! Hows that for a 'my dog ate my homework' excuse!! :)