Monday, August 14, 2006

Sunday - Brisbane Road Runners 10 Mile

115 mins, 24k's @ 4:44 mins/km

I woke up at 5:20am and spent thirteen minutes still in bed contemplating whether I should stick with my original plan and do my Sunday long run at West End in the Brisbane Road Road Runners 10 Mile race or get an extra hour of sleep and do my normal Sunday long run. In the end, getting an earlier start to the day won out.

However, the delay ensured that I missed the start of the race by two minutes - not that I was concerned about missing it! Wearing my new Brooks Glycerin 4's for the second time, I rolled along comfortably until around 14k's when my right plantar fasciitis (the good one that I did not tear at the GC Half) started to ache and cause considerable discomfort. I pulled over at the Pauls Milk Factory where Rent Bouy and Eddie were marshalling, took of my shoes and spent about two minutes self massaging it. That did the trick. I then finished the race and immediately did another 8k's. With just one k left the right PF started to ache uncomfortably again. I'm not sure what is wrong with it nor what caused the problem(surely not the new shoes albeit half a size smaller?). Nonehteless, I'm confident that I can keep the situation under control. I taped up the right foot last night and that should ensure that I can walk and run without discomfort until I fix the problem. Buys shares in sports tape companies - thanks to me, they'll report record profits this year.

Am looking forward to the Noosa Half on Sunday when Jonesy and I plan to run a good solid 86 minute tempo run.

Km's this week - 58
Km's this month - 111
Km's this year - 976
Consecutive alcohol free days - 77

1 comment:

Clairie said...

Well if you run 86min on Sunday and feel like a bit more - just turn around and come get me. I will be needing you by that stage to reel me in to the finish.

Just look out for me - I'll be the sweaty red faced girl swearing...