Monday, May 07, 2007

Top quality sessions

Fri - 6 x 2min, 30 JR, 3k WU, 3k WD
Sun - 170 mins, 35k @ about 4:50 mins/km

Friday - The first two min effort saw Glenda and I side by side throughout before I started to weaken from a slight lack of energy. I told myself to hang in there and tough it out on the back half of the session. As Glenda strode away from me Matt R and then Pete went past. By the time the fifth rep came around I had a second wind coupled with the desperation not to miss out on a quality session as the Gold Coast Marathon looms larger on the horizon. I caught up to Matt R on the fifth leg, went past him and then caught up to Pete at the start of the final rep and then accelerated past him also. Running like a crazy man, I made up about 30m of the 50m deficit to Glenda before Pat wrapped it up. Very pleasing to finish strong when things weren't quite going my way early on.

Sunday - Some trepidation going into the second longest run of my life, particularly coming four days after my catch up 27k Long Run on Wednesday. Things were not helped when I discovered that I was out of oats and had to shove down a variety of foods as opposed to my usual pre long run meal of porridge and bananas. Unsurprisingly, I was a little sluggish as I went through the first hour in a little over 5:00min pace. Then I ran into team-mates, Glenda, Pete, Matt R, David and Wayne at Kurilpa Park and joined them and their 4:45 pace. Started to feel better at that point - its always so much easier with company! It wasn't long before some of those doing shorter runs, turned back for the Regatta and Glenda and I continued on, doing a Story Bridge loop. Going down Coro Drive, we strode out briskly recording several sub 4:30k's that felt comfortable - I gotta tell ya, Glenda is in fantastic shape and will give 2:50 a mighty shake on the Gold Coast!! I had my first GU after 130 minutes, shortly after leading Glenda and then finished off with a 40 minute loop into the Gardens. Very satisfied with the run after the sluggish first hour and it was only in the last 20 minutes that I started to wish the run was over.

1 comment:

Clairie said...

Great to hear you have had some good runs lately. Need another 8 weeks of good solid runs like that and you'll be in tip top shape too!