Friday, July 06, 2007

Successful laser eye surgery!!

Wed 30 mins, 6k's @ 5:10 mins/km
Thurs 40 mins, 8k's @ 5:00 mins/km

Much of the week has been spent contemplating how a promising Gold Coast Marathon unravelled so abruptly and brutally. I've identified some flaws in my make up that I need to address and will reveal shortly. Managed two easy runs in the middle of the week, shuffling on both occasions early in the run till my DOMS affected quads warmed up.

Much of my attention this week however was geared towards my long awaited laser eye surgery yesterday which proved successful. The procedure, coupled with another procedure on Monday to remove a benign growth from my left foot will cost me 7-10 days of running. I'll spend that time doing light stuff in the gym and extra stretching.

Laser Eye Surgery

I went to the operating theatre at Laser Sight late yesterday to be given a valium tablet and a gown. After the valium kicked in, I was then laid down on a dentist style chair and swivelled under an intimidating looking machine. A clamp was placed around my eyelids to hold them open and then I felt the slightly uncomfortable sensation of my cornea being lasered open - it felt like someone was firmly but not uncomfortably pressing their thumb on my eyeballs. It was pretty hairy when the machine moved to the left eye because all I could see out of the right eye now was a blinding white light. After the left eye was done, the nurse said 'We've lifted your cornea flap - could you please move to the next bed' - Aargh, shit!!

Here, my right eye was again clamped open and I was swivelled under the laser machine, staring up into the red beam of the laser. Because I was looking directly into the red beam, it got larger and it felt like I was actually looking up at a starry night with hundreds of red dots of light replacing the stars. Nevertheless, I felt strangely calm as I followed instructions and stared intently at the red light while the acrid smell of my burning flesh permeated the air Dr Peter Stewart and his laser did its job. The second eye followed and it was all over in about 10-15 minutes.

I then went into the recovery room and there I had the first brief indication that my eyesight had improved as I could see fairly well across the room before I had clear plastic eye protecters taped over my eyes and then large dark sunnies placed over them. The eyes were pretty uncomfortable as MJ drove me home as they were quite watery and somewhat grainy. I had two sleeping tablets as soon as I got home and a quick dinner and then hit the sack at 7pm and quickly fell asleep. Woke up in the middle of the night still feeling uncomfortable and very groggy from the drugs and MJ said I was speaking gibberish, but I quickly fell back asleep again.

Woke up at 7am and it was quite a revelation to remove the plastics eye protectors and look outside to see a beautiful day with my 'new' eyes and see it clearly!! I was grinning like a kid after opening their best Christmas present! A follow up visit to the clinic this morning confirmed that I now had better than 20-20 vision in both eyes and can see better than I did yesterday with the specs! My right eye has about 5% better vision than my left but this is normal as the human body is not symetrical. The only slight drawback is that things such as newsprint get blurry if I look at them from closer than 10cm. Overall, I'm thrilled with the results and am happy to recommend the procedure to anyone and to refer them to my doctor who is the best in the business and a pioneer of the procedure - just let me know.

Life's good.....sensational even!!


Samurai Running said...

That must have been a great feeling seeing well for the first time without glasses.

Now if you can just see yourself clear to a sub 3 hour marathon all will be well.

I'm looking forward to hearing of your plans.

Clairie said...

Well done Matty!

I had the laser treatment almost 10 years ago and it was pretty much as you described it.

I think Scott had his done last week as well - but he was told no running or swimming for 4 weeks.

I don't recall them telling me anything about reducing exercise (i can understand the swimming bit) but best clear your running with the Doc first.

Now you'll need to invest in a pair of sunnies - because it really helps to keep the glare out and focus on the road.

See you out there - on the road that is!!!