Monday, July 16, 2007

Comeback delayed

Unfortunately, the new skin on my left foot where I had the growth removed is not growing as quickly as I would have liked. Compounding that, the location of the offending area is slightly on the outside of my left foot and is an area that tends to rub on the shoe when in motion. As such, I refrained from running on Sunday and will take things on a day to day basis from here on.

To help speed up the healing process, I'm trying to wear shoes as infrequently as possible including walking around the office in my socks. On the brighter side, I'm no longer wearing a bandage on the back of my neck and am showing off my stitches to the world whilst the eyes are going well.

All going well, I lace up the runners in a couple of days and maybe, just maybe have a crack at the Jetty to Jetty 3k on Sunday. I really need to get back into the running ASAP - I've been having a couple of rum and cokes most nights and also far too much chocolate and too many deserts!

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