Friday, April 20, 2007

Less than 48 hours to go!

40 mins, 8k's @ 5:10 mins/km

Was a little late getting to bed last night. To relax before going to sleep, I decided to watch 30 minutes of the 1957 classic, 12 Angry Men on DVD, but couldn't turn it off and ended up watching the whole thing. If you haven't seen this insightful look at prejudices in the jury room and the responsibility of those charged with delivering a verdict, then do yourself a favour and watch it!

Did an easy 40 mins on the tready at the gym this morning. Endured a slight headache during the run possibly brought on by the sudden increase in sugar intake coming off the detox. The headache was not helped by the Spin class leader making a bigger racket than Clairie could muster on a good day.

Body is feeling ok and I'm looking forward to the race. Have been mentally preparing myself to take the race out nice and controlled and then really upping the ante with 5 or 6k's to go. I've really gotta hammer it in those last 5-6k's and rocket to the line!! C'mon!!!

1 comment:

Samurai Running said...

Hey Matty

You're a bit of a "Renaissance man" eh, I like that movie too.

All the best for the half, I hope it all comes together.