Monday, April 23, 2007

A bitter disappointment

Brisbane Half Marathon 85:52, 29th out of about 650

Without a doubt, Sunday morning was the most disappointing moment of the last three years for me. I promised much and delivered little. The second k felt harder than it should have and I was under the pump at that point and started leaking time from 7k onward.

Right now, I've got the shits with myself and will post a reasoned post mortem once I've calmed down enough for an analytical self-assessment.


mike said...

So it turned out to be a 'C' goal, don't beat yourself up over a minor hitch. It's still a respectable time & maybe even a PB, a bit like that 'ordinary' 10k PB you set not so long ago...

I think you tend to over-analyse your performance, learn from it & relax...

Superflake said...

It was really humid from what I read off CR about the conditions. And you have been crook in the last month as well. And the 'goal' is Gold Coast Full. Plenty of time to turn one bad race around.