Monday, June 02, 2008

PCRG 3KTT and Doomben 10,000

My Gold Coast campaign has grinded to a shuddering halt. The tale of woe is as follows:

Tues - PCRG 3KTT - 9:57 - 3:12, 3:24, 3:20

Started out like any other time trial getting balanced and into a rhythm moving to the front and going though 1k in 3:12. That was about as far as the legs lasted as I faded badly from the 1600 onwards with a rookie, Pete and then Jason going past me. It was only stubborn pride that enabled me to keep my streak of sub 10's alive. My breathing was strong and the lungs were clear - the legs just didn't want a bar of it as I recorded my worst 3KTT effort all year.

Wed - 50 mins, 10k's @ about 5:05 mins/km

Thurs - 2/1/30 secs with 30 JR, 30SR x 3

Terrible session at PCRG. I normally go about 90% for a session like this prior to a big race with a couple of all out efforts but the legs were frightfully week this morning. It was a real effort just to keep in touch with the back of the lead group.

Fri - REST

No idea what is wrong with the legs but after discussions with Pat, decided to ditch the 40min easy run in a last ditch effort to freshen up the legs.

Sun - Doomben 10,000 - 38:05 - 3:31,3:40, 3:37, 3:44, 3:51, 3:55, 3:59, 3:59, 3:58, 3:48

Another miserable run this morning in ideal racing conditions albeit slippery in places. The plan was to go out at Sub 36 pace and be extremely careful not to go out too fast, try to cuddle the legs and ease my way to a PB using my fitness base and good pacing to drag my legs along. It sounds stupid in hindsight - there is no such thing as easing your way to a PB.

Things started ok as I went through 1k in 3:31 with Matt L and Jason while Matt R as usual took off a little faster. The legs seemed to have some life in them as Matt L and I then moved ahead of the pack and worked together for the next two kilometres with 3k being reached in 10:49. As the above splits indicate, that was well it all turned pear shaped as the legs went weak and heavy and despite my breathing being under control, I started to fall back through the field rapidly and just plodded home in a miserable 38:05ish. That was slower than the first 10k of my Brisbane Half Marathon giving you and idea of how bad I was.

As I write this on Monday evening, I appear to have come down with a cold or virus as my body is weak and aching and I'm feeling crap. Hopefully, this is the explanation for the poor running that has bothered me for the last nine days. Fingers crossed I get over it quick smart and am back on track soon.

1 comment:

Clairie said...

Well I hope you are tucked up in bed with lots of warm blankets and some chicken soup.

Take it easy and rest the body before launching back into your training. Don't go writing yourself off just yet..but dont rush back either.

You have great fitness and just need to RELAX.

PS. can you email me brunos details? My Bakers Cyst is sooo annoying me right now when I am trying to get out and run!!!