Thursday, June 26, 2008


Sun AM - 120 mins, 24k's @ 5:02 mins/km
Sun PM - 30 mins, 6k's @ about 5:15 mins/km

Tues - 3KTT - 9:48 - 3:14, 3:21, 3:12

The plan was to try and replicate my 9:43 TT three months back when I kept a few seconds up my sleeve on the first k, held strong in the middle and then hammered it home down the stretch. I was pleased to execute it exactly as planned. Nic and Matt R led the field out and I settled into a bigger than usual pack of super fit and fast people ready to peak at the GC - Matt L, Glenda and Ged being some. Waited till the 600m till I ramped up the pace a little moving into third. Went past Matt R at around 1400 and then rounded the Gaz turnaround feeling strong although the legs were starting to feel like jelly. Caught up to Nic as we hit the hill past the boatshed and surged past him just like I did when I ran 9:43. Except, this time Jason H joined me!! I surged down the hill on the other side of the boatshed trying to shake of Jason's challenge but alas he countered the surge and then raised the stakes moving past me exiting the footpath onto the road. I bided my time briefly and at the 2400, tried another surge - no luck, Jason covered it again. Running side by side a little longer with Nic hot on our heels I surged again at the 2600 and this time there was no response. Beauty!! No all I had to do was make it up the incline outside the Hanson factory and then hammer it into the finish chute. Its amazing how that 2% incline outside the Hanson factory takes on monumental proportions at the 2800m mark of the time trial. I worked hard up it and then hammered it home for a satisfactory 9:48, my third fastest ever and the third time I have ran that time.

In some ways this was more satisfying than my 9:40 PB which was set when I was flying, had no niggles and couldn't put a foot wrong. This time around, I had to do things much tougher and run tough and smart.

Wed - 95 mins, 20k's @ 4:42 mins/km

Solid clockwise Green Bridge loop with Glenda, Beth and Andy - legs tired from hard effort yesterday though. The others picked up the pace from the Regatta back to the Goodwill bridge but I was content to keep crusing at 4:40's.

Thurs - 50 mins, 10k's @ 5:14 mins/km

Taper starts here for real - except for three speedwork sessions, won't be going faster than 5:00's from here on. Eased my tired legs through this run in sunny conditions at 9am.

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