Saturday, May 10, 2008

Digging deep

Thurs - 50 mins, 10k's @ 5:02 mins/km

Legs starting to feel a little better

Fri - 2 x 3 mins with 30JR, 30SR, 6:27 return, 4 x GC Hill

The legs were starting to get some life in them after Monday's hike but I knew that it was going to be a brutally tough session regardless. I expected to feel ok for a couple of minutes before the strength started sapping out my legs. But I was mentally ready for it and I was going to break through the pain barrier!!!! Fortunately, we had one of my more favoured sessions with longer reps from the Story Bridge to New Farm. As expected, I was able to get away quickly before it got tougher after two minutes. I dug deep and concentrated hard on getting all the other little things right - relaxed face, relaxed shoulders, arms just above waist height, tick, tick, tick. I worked hard and did not have a great deal to spare when we stopped for a standing recovery. Turning around, I fired up the competitive instincts and set myself to catch up to as many people as possible in front of me. Didn't catch as many as I would like but pleased nonetheless as the legs were killing me but I was still able to maintain close to top speed. It is not often that a speedwork session can replicate the last 3k's of a fast 10k race but I felt this one did that for me and was pleased with how I finished it off. Followed up with four GC Hill reps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you hiked a little harder than me.... I just had an easy week and then went for another hike on Saturday!

Mind you, that's easy for me to say because I'm resting up at the moment.....