Monday, January 08, 2007

Sunday - Average at best....

120 mins, 24k's @ 4:57 mins/km

As the title suggests, my effort this morning was average at best. I was hoping to be able to cruise along at 4:45-4:50 mins/km pace but the body didn't feel up to it and I didn't force the issue. Primarily, there appeared to be some DOMS in the legs from kicking a soccer ball around the local park with my Japanese homestayer, Hiro on Friday. I was quite aware at the time that kicking a soccer ball around for the first time in years could bring about DOMS so I restrained myself accordingly - but as it turned out - not enough!!

Nevertheless, it wasn't that bad a run and my breathing was comfortable throughout and the HR was settled - even when I ran past a red bellied black snake sunning itself! Given the average run, it was probably just as well that the super fit Langy stood me up after himself being stood up by his baby sitter. I could have done without being dragged along.

3K TT coming up on Tuesday and despite going easy at speedwork last Tuesday, I'm confident of making it five consecutive faster TT's and running 10:13 or better. After I really benefitted from my two day carbo load leading into Kurrawa, I've decided to trial a one day carbo load the day prior to time trials and 5 and 10k races. I'm very aware that carbo load don't benefit most over short distances but I think I may be an exception to the rule. Looking forward to learning more on Tuesday.


Clairie said...

A one day carbo load heh? Al calls that a drinking binge.

Don't have a big dinner but lunch and arvo tea is fine. I don't think a carbo load will assist at all but I do know that I have to eat well (ie. right foods and amounts) the day before a TT or race for me to do a good time. That means a little bit of everything (protein, carbs etc) but extremely low in fat and lots of water.

Be interested to hear your take. Keep up the vitamins.

Tesso said...

I'm marshalling tomorrow. I might carbo load tonight and see if it helps :-)

See you out there. Go the sub 10:13!

Samurai Running said...

Hi Matty

Happy New Year. All the best for this year I'll be keeping an eye on your blog. Watch out for those snakes! Did I tell you I'm from Sydney and I was once bitten on the funnel by a finger webbed spider...No that is bitten on the finger by a funnel webbed spider!
Sorry must be the "one day carbo loading" talking.

Anyway hope your TT goes well too.