Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tempo run with Langy

Wed - 20 minutes easy - 4k's @ about 5:00 mins/km
Thurs - 4k's at race pace - 3:55, 4:10, 4:08, 4:04 - 3k WU, 3k WD

The body has held up ok so far this week after the dramas earlier in the week. The right plantar fasciitis is looking more and more like the tear that afflicted my left PF. Thankfully, there is no sign of 'classic' PF.

Yesterday, I did an easy twenty minutes along the river at Newstead before work. I would have done 6k's as part of my plan to build the midweek run back up to 18k, but I want to freshen up for the Noosa Half.

This morning, Langy and I went out to the Nundah Criterium at 6:30am. After the warm up, we stretched and then did some strides before commencing our 4k Noosa Half pace tempo run. Langy's was targetting 3:55's and I was targetting 4:05-4:08's. I felt a little tired and stiff in the first k as Langy slowly pulled away from me, but I felt much better the last three k's and it was a timely reminder that if you can concentrate and battle through difficult patches of a race, you're a good chance of feeling better eventually. I went out a little too fast with a 3:55 but was pleased to come home in 4:10, 4:08 and 4:04 considering I haven't done that pace for a while. If anyone sees Langy in the next few days, don't ask him about his pacing because it was all over the shop and he's cranky :)

Km's this week - 25
Km's this month - 136
Km's this year - 1000
Consecutive alcohol free days - 81

1 comment:

Tesso said...

Sooo, you and Langy were doing some secret training this morn hey. The numbers at Pat's were pretty low. Yikes, maybe everyone is doing secret training for Sunday!

PS Congrats on the 1000kms for year.